Many factors influenced the rise of AI and the launch of the fourth technological revolution. However, one primary invention that accelerated the process was the ability to transform images into information. This breakthrough paved the way for transforming videos, texts, and audio into information, resulting in advancements such as driverless cars, bots, and automation that almost match human abilities. This workshop focuses on the algorithms behind this technological breakthrough, making AI a reality and allowing you to apply deep learning and Sequential Deep Learning algorithms to solve new, challenging problems.
- Image classification
- Face recognition, and
- Object detection.
Day 1:
- Algebra and Calculus
Day 2:
- Gradient Descent
- Perceptron Algorithm
Day 3:
- Feedforward Neural Networks
Day 4:
- Convolutional Neural Networks
Day 5:
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- LSTM and GRU
- Comprehensive colored PPT booklet.
- Neurons, Hidden layers, Synapsis, ...
- Weights, Scores, ...
- Activation functions: Sigmoid, TanH, ...
- SoftMax rule
- Feed Forward of information
- Backpropagation
- Convolution windows, MaxReLu, ...
- TensorFlow coding applications
This hands-on workshop dives deep into the rapidly evolving field of Generative and Sequential Deep Learning, focusing on the theory, applications, and practical implementation of models that can autonomously create data. Participants will explore how generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and Diffusion Models work, and how they transform industries, from art and media to healthcare and business analytics. It will also delve into Recurrent networks and their LSTM-empowered alternatives. This workshop is designed for data scientists, machine learning engineers, AI enthusiasts, and developers who have a basic understanding of deep learning and want to expand their expertise in generative models. Attendees should have experience with Python and be familiar with common machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow.
Day 1:
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- LSTM and GRU
Day 2:
- Autoencoders.
Day 3:
- Variational Autoencoders (VAE).
Day 4:
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN).
- Comprehensive colored PPT booklet.
- Cell state: forget, convey, ...
- Encoders and decoders
- Latent Space
- Auto Encoders Vs. Variational Auto Encoders
- Generators vs. Discriminators
- Objective Functions
- Mode Collapse
- Training approaches