The foundation of AI solutions for decision-making, "Supervised" ML models, are now more accessible to practitioners due to rapid technological advancements. Mastering the most critical predictive models has become more accessible, especially with the improvement of automation tools. This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of "supervised" Machine Learning algorithms and their role in improving predictions across various industries. To ensure practical application, it also explores models using different technologies (SAS, Alteryx, STATISTICA, PYTHON, etc.), enabling participants to become professional practitioners and expert consultants by evaluating and selecting the most suitable solution with the right technical package.
Day 1:
- Introduction to Machine Learning / - Multiple Linear Regression
Day 2:
- Simple & Multiple Logistic Regression
- Models Evaluation Indicators
Day 3:
- Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
Day 4:
- Decision Trees / Random Forest Trees /Naive Bayes
Day 5:
- Support Vector Machines / K Nearest Neighbors
- Colored PPT documents / Videos.
- The multiple-way model generation.
- All-in-one predictive model solution.
- Quality model indicators.
- Team Competition for Best Model Finding.
- Complete case studies from A to Z.
- Proprietary tools for data visualization.
- Methods for selecting the best model.
- ROC charts.
It is common to have data sets with multiple variables describing business topics. But how can we extract all the hidden patterns from such complex data sets? Reducing the number of variables into simple "maps" with PCA becomes essential to highlight invisible relations within the data, facilitating the correct actions to take. This workshop also explains the difference between scientific market "clustering" and simple common sense "filtering". It empowers the definition of market niches and profiles them using Data Analysis techniques. Additionally, the program covers illustrations that reveal associations between the components of multiple variables for efficient tracking of pattern evolution. The workshop also includes practical applications with two different technologies, allowing participants to become more like consultants than mere experts.
Day 1:
- Matrix Factorization / Principal Component Analysis
Day 2:
- t-SNE and Multi-Dimensional Scaling
- Simple Correspondence Analysis
Day 3:
- Agglomerative Clustering / K Means and Medoids
Day 4:
- Recommender Systems
Day 5:
- Gaussian Mixture Models
- Colored PPT documents / Videos.
- Multidimensional Reducibility
- Hierarchical vs. Divisive Clustering
- Proprietary vs. Open Source tools solutions
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Team Exercises
- The science behind mapping illustration.
- Quality measurements of unsupervised models
- Demystifying the Curse of Multidimensionality
The "Reinforcement Learning in Practice" training is an in-depth, hands-on workshop designed to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills needed to effectively implement Reinforcement Learning (RL) techniques. Over three days, attendees will explore the fundamental principles of RL, understand key algorithms, and apply them to real-world problems. This workshop blends theoretical insights with coding exercises and case studies, ensuring participants gain conceptual clarity and practical experience building RL models.
- Understand the fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning (RL)
- Explore RL key concepts: agents, environments, rewards, and policies.
- Implement basic RL algorithms like Q-Learning and SARSA.
- Apply policy-based and value-based methods for sequential decision-making.
- Balance exploration and exploitation trade-offs.
- Optimize RL models through hyperparameter tuning.
- Discuss real-world RL applications such as robotics, finance, ...
Day 1:
- RL basics: agents, rewards, policies, environments.
- Exploration vs. exploitation.
- Q-Learning & Markov Decision Processes (MDPs).
Day 2:
- Value-based vs. policy-based methods.
- SARSA, DQN, and Policy Gradient.
Day 3:
- RL in robotics, finance, and gaming.
- Actor-critic, PPO, A3C methods.
- Simulating RL environments.
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